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Improve your team performance with reports

Between conversation overview and team performance reports you can figure out how well your agents are handling incoming conversation volume, their responsiveness to customer queries, and what customers think of your support.

Note: Conversations Overview Report is available from Growth. Team Performance Report is available from Pro.

Conversation Overview Report

In the conversation overview report you can track,

  • Productivity

  • Chat Volume


In the productivity section, you can see quickly your team is able to resolve customer’s issues. You will be able to see how quickly they send a first response (first response time), reply to (response time), and resolve conversations(resolution time). 


You can also see the customer’s wait time (time between customer’s first message and agent’s first response), and interaction time (overall time between the first customer message to the last message in the interaction before the conversation was closed).


Chat Volume

In this section, you can see how well your team is managing chat volume. You will be able to see the volume of new conversations(incoming conversations) and how many conversations they have closed(resolved conversations). You can see more details by hovering your mouse pointer along the graph. You can also see the response rates and chat volume for each day in a table format right below the graphs.

You can track this data for a specific time period by using the ‘Filter’ option in the top left corner. 

By default, the productivity and chat volume numbers are displayed as median values. You can also view this data on average or 90th percentile values.

  • Median: It is calculated by taking the middle value of all your response times. The middle value is the one that separates your higher half from the lower half of your response times. For example, if your team has five response times 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 your median response time would be 5.

  • Average: It is the sum of all your response times divided by the number of response times. For example, if your team has five response times 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 then the average would be 1+3+5+7+9 divided by 5. 

  • 90th percentile: It is calculated by sorting all your response times in increasing order and taking out the first 90% of the values, now the highest value in this 90% is your 90th percentile value. 

Team Performance Report

You can also review how each agent is performing by checking the number of conversations they participated in, their response time, and their conversation ratings, all in one place.

In the team performance report, you can track the performance of each agent in terms of,

  • Productivity, and

  • CSAT metrics (Customer Satisfaction - conversation ratings)


In Productivity metrics, you can see the responsiveness of each agent - how quickly an agent sends the first response, replies to, and resolves conversations. You can also see the total number of conversations they participated in, closed (resolved), and the overall number of messages sent by each teammate. 

You can view this data as Median, Average, or 90th percentile value. You can filter and view data for a specific time period. And even download the report as a .csv file.


In CSAT metrics you can see the total number of surveys sent on behalf of each agent, a count of their satisfactory and unsatisfactory ratings, and their average CSAT score.

You can view this data as Median, Average, or 90th percentile value. You can filter and view data for a specific time period. And even download the report as a .csv file.