Hospitals/Healthcare clinics often get multiple customer requests per day, like requesting to book an appointment, checking out available doctors to see if they can get their condition treated, and more. With the Healthcare bot template, you can go bot first in your approach to handle these requests. You can help customers save time by enabling them to help themselves, and also enable your agents to focus on more critical requests/issues. 

Depending on the kind of services you provide, you can tweak the healthcare bot template to suit your needs. For example, you can modify existing flows, add more dialogs depending on your use case, use the Answers module for handling FAQs, and more. You can also customize your bot to match your brand and deploy it on the self-service widget. 

The Healthcare bot template covers the most common flows for the following scenarios:

  • Book an appointment

  • View doctors and specialties

  • Membership card

  • About hospital

Let’s look at each of these in detail.

  • Book an appointment: Enable customers to select the specialty they want to book an appointment for. You can fetch their preferred date, timeslot, and contact details, and enable them to confirm their appointment through the bot.

  • View doctors and specialties: Enable customers to view the list of specialties you offer and the doctors who serve in those specialties. Customers can go ahead and book an appointment if they find the doctor/specialty they are looking for. 

  • Membership card: enable your customers to apply for a new membership card, or retrieve their existing one if they forgot their membership number.

  • About the hospital: You can display a brief description of your clinic/hospital that customers can skim through quickly.

The following are to be considered if you’re deploying this bot template for your business:

API Library: The default API endpoints that come with the template are dummy. Make sure to remove the dummy URLs, response parameters, and payload content, and update the API library with your business’ APIs.

Placeholder: Responses in the bot flow are static because no placeholders were used. Depending on whether responses to the questions are fetched from an external source (through APIs), make sure to replace the dummy static responses with placeholders of the response parameters.

Authenticating using OTP: All the relevant flows, by default, have the native OTP authentication enabled for ensuring secure transactions/conversations. To use the native OTP auth functionality, read this article.