We have recently refreshed our branding across our offerings and changed the names of our pricing plans. If you have signed up before Aug 9, 2021, please click Previous plans to view your applicable plans.
We assure you that this change will not impact your product experience, and no action is required on your part.

You can deploy your bots on WhatsApp and offer excellent customer service wherever your customers are. Before you begin, make sure you have integrated your Freshchat account with WhatsApp. Learn more about integrating WhatsApp with Freshchat here.

  • Once you integrate Freshchat with your WhatsApp number, a Topic is created to handle all conversations from it. You can name this topic (and later edit it) by navigating to Admin > Integrations > WhatsApp Business > Edit (of the number which you wish to edit) Conversation > Topic.

  • You can further edit the properties of the WhatsApp Topic by navigating to Admin > Topics, where you can click on the Topic you earlier configured for the WhatsApp integration. This will let you set up the Topic with more control to offer better customer service. On this page, you can choose to trigger a bot with a 'hello' or assign incoming conversations to a group.
  • While building your bot, select Whatsapp as your channel in the first step. 

  • You can present the customers with a list of options (buttons, carousels, dropdowns, articles) marked by a series of numbers that they can respond with. With these responses, the customer will go through the bot flow. You will be able to select only those elements which are supported in Whatsapp.

  • Once you've finished setting up the bot, publish the bot and navigate to Deploy at the top right corner to deploy your bot.

  • When the customer reaches out through WhatsApp, they will be greeted with the initial Hello message and a series of services available using the bot. The customer responds with one of the numbers. You can configure the bot flow with conditions to route the user to the respective flow based on the input of the customer. You can also configure a flow to prompt the customer if they give an invalid input.

  • You can also make use of WhatsApp's formatting options, such as using asterisks before and after a word to make the font appear bold. For example, *Hello* world will be rendered as Hello world on Whatsapp. You can also make use of emojis in your message with the rich text editor.

  • You can also set up the slash command quick action for a bot that you're setting up. However, the other quick actions, such as predefined buttons and widget menus, can't be configured if the bot will be deployed on WhatsApp.

Here's a look at how the customer experience will be: