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Track Important Events with Freshchat 's Extract APIs

You can get more out of Freshchat using Extract APIs. Apart from the default In-product Reports, you can download reports for various other key metrics and your support SLAs within minutes in the form of customized raw reports using Freshchat Extract APIs

Types of Raw Reports 

There are 12 different raw reports that you can download with Extract API,

  1. Conversation Created

  2. Conversation Agent Assigned

  3. Conversation Group Assigned

  4. Message Sent

  5. First Response Time

  6. Response Time

  7. Resolution Time

  8. Conversation Resolution Label

  9. Conversation Resolved

  10. Agent Activity

  11. Agent Intelliassign Activity

  12. CSAT Score

How to Download Raw Reports using Extract API

Step 1: Accessing the API Endpoint

Replace your domain name in the Endpoint API

https://<Domain Name>.freshchat.com/v2/reports/raw/

For example,

If the endpoint is, https://mercasto.freshchat.com/v2/reports/raw/, then ‘Mercasto’ is the domain name.

Step 2: API Payload

You must pass the Bearer token (API Token) in the header.

To know about how to get your API Token, Click here

Post request 

This is the payload to be used for the Get request. For example, to get the conversation created between 12.00 AM to 11.59 PM UTC, the payload will be


"start": "2020-09-03T00:01:00.000Z",

"end": "2020-09-03T23:59:00.000Z",

"event": "Conversation-Created",

"format": "csv"


Event name to be used in the payload

Payload Event Name



New conversations created


Conversations assigned to an agent


Conversations assigned to a group


Messages sent by agents


First response time of the conversations


First response time of a conversation


Resolution time of a conversation


Conversations resolved Label


Conversations resolved


Agent activity in Freshchat


Agent activity in Intelliassign


CSAT Score


Get request

To process the get request, you’ll have to update the Job ID in your Endpoint API.


“Id”: “dhc1e5bb-27sb-4d64-b20d-c7f6q63a7927”,

“link”: {

“rel”: “extracts”,

“Href”: “/reports/raw/dhc1e5bb-27sb-4d64-b20d-c7f6q63a7927”


In this example, “dhc1e5bb-27sb-4d64-b20d-c7f6q63a7927” is the job ID and endpoint API will be https://mercasto.freshchat.com/v2/reports/raw/dhc1e5bb-27sb-4d64-b20d-c7f6q63a7927

After your GET request is processed, you can download your report from the URL from the code that is returned.


"id": "dhc1e5bb-27sb-4d64-b20d-c7f6q63a7927",

"status": "COMPLETED",

"interval": "2020-09-14 00:01:00.0 2020-09-14 23:59:00.0",

"links": [


"link": {

"rel": "extraction",

"href": "https://csat-reports.s3-us-east-2.amazonaws.com/extraction/52a6f9sfd9sdf553d2c8bkjhkh896b5b1203afd250f6cb3LiKQkphA09ML%2F3gfsFOusBsdfdsg%fdhgfd&dgdfg2%2BvqB64CkVv2gQMzOxjSsmEqTI%2ByMS1T0UW3G8cOKmesDhaCredential=ASIA2RGYHGREDSFSDFUCOUYXCCZ24%2F20200915%2Fus-west-2%2Fs3%2Faws4_request&X-Amz-Signature=2234e3f85d10c2d3ec434b5a97d5j8d83f6df4gf6b9f9f03d372e7026b9e3d699026abe0694730c0dd4"


"from": "2020-09-14T00:01:00.000Z",

"to": "2020-09-14T23:59:00.000Z",

"status": "COMPLETED"




Important Points to Note:

  • Raw Reports can be downloaded in CSV format only.

  • The time zone used in the payload should be UTC.

  • It might take up to an hour for a report to be generated.

  • Only one POST request can be processed per minute.