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  • How to avoid accidental changes to bot flows?
    You don't have to worry about accidental changes to your bot flows after publishing them. Once published, we do not allow any edits to the current version of your bot to ensure no issues occur with the current working bot flow. To make any changes to a published bot, you will need to unpublish the bot, make a new version, make the desired changes, and publish it again. Only bots that are in the draft state can be edited. 

  • What are the various bot states?
  • Draft: A WIP version of the chatbot is only visible to you, as it has never been published. You can still edit the draft version of the bot. Usually, the latest version of the chatbot will generally be the draft version before it gets published.

  • Published:, The version of the chatbot that customers can interact with. A bot can have only one published version at a time. You can no longer edit the bot while it is published. It needs to be unpublished and a new draft version needs to be created for editing. But if you've used the bot script anywhere, it automatically loads the latest published version.

  • Unpublished: A version of the chatbot that was once published but rolled back. This bot is not visible to customers, nor can it be edited. A new version has to be created to edit the bot.

  • What are the unique parameters that are used for identification?
    The bot hash (BH) and the client hash (CH) are unique parameters and are used when you use the self-service widget. The client hash corresponds to your account URL, while the bot hash corresponds to the bot being used. If you use multiple bots, each bot will have its own hash for identification. This is not applicable when you use the conversations widget.

  • Does the bot builder store customer information?
    The unified bot builder is used to only build bots in your account. It doesn't store information about the customer. However, any conversations that your customers or site visitors have with the bot can be accessed from the Conversations menu in the bot builder. This will also include certain customer information that was shared during the conversation.

  • Can a flow be deleted?
    To avoid accidentally deleting a flow, we only allow you to archive a flow, which can be unarchived at any point in time. However, you can choose to delete the individual dialogs in the flow, make them private, or make them inactive.

  • How can I allow my customers to attach files option in the bot widget?
    Open the dialog where you want your customers to respond with a file and click on the Get response button. When you click, you'll see a list of supported response formats, from which you can pick File & image. This will allow your customers to respond to that dialog by attaching a file.

  • Is the API library common to all bots?
    No, the API library is specific to each bot and can be seen inside the respective bot builder.

  • What are quick actions?
    Quick actions are predefined navigations that your customers can use to quickly jump to a different part of the bot flow. For example, you can take your customer to the previous step (dialog) in the conversation if they want to backtrack and provide a different answer. Or, you can let your customer restart the whole conversation by going back to the first message. Quick actions can be used in three places:
    • Pre-defined buttons
    • Widget menu buttons
    • Slash commands

  • What is NLP?
    NLP stands for Natural Language processing. It is used as a machine learning parameter for Freddy AI.

  • How can you redirect your customers to a website?
    You can use the "open URL" action to redirect the customer from a bot flow to a website. You can configure whether the URL has to open in a new tab and if the bot needs to pause for a few seconds before opening the website. Learn more about the different actions we offer.

  • What is the difference between Stop Conversation, Resolve Conversation, and Start New Conversation?
    • Start New Conversation: Closes the current conversation and starts a new conversation. 
    • Stop Conversation: Acts as a break in the sequential flow of dialogs. The dialogs in a flow are executed in the same order unless they are redirected by conditions or stopped with the stop conversation action.
    • Resolve conversation: Converts the status of the current conversation into the resolved status.

  • When does the Hello flow get triggered?
    The Hello flow is the first flow to get triggered for a bot unless you set up specific conditions for a user to skip the Hello Flow.