We have recently refreshed our branding across our offerings and changed the names of our pricing plans. If you have signed up before Aug 9, 2021, please click Previous plans to view your applicable plans.
We assure you that this change will not impact your product experience, and no action is required on your part.

Every conversation your customer has with your bot is recorded on the Conversations page. 

You can refer to this article to understand how the Conversations tab works. 

Under Conversation settings, you will be able to configure actions for your bot’s conversations like the Inactivity timer and what you would like to do with closed conversations. Let’s look at each of these in detail.

A quick guide to using the Inactivity timer

The inactivity timer lets you select what action you want the bot to perform when the conversation has been inactive for ‘x’ minutes. 

  • Login to your Freshchat account as an Admin and go to Bots

  • Click on the chatbot for which you want to configure conversation actions

  • Go to the Settings tab, and click on ‘Conversation Settings’

  • Toggle the Inactivity timer ON you will see a list of configuration actions 

  • Set the duration after which you want the bot to perform an action 

    • For eg: 24 hours and 0 minutes

  • Select the action to perform after inactivity, you can choose from three options:

    • Resolve conversation

    • Transfer to agent

    • Trigger a flow

  • If you choose ‘Trigger a flow’, you can select the flow name from the next dropdown that appears

  • Click Save

Your bot will trigger the action chosen once the conversation has been inactive for the configured time duration. 

Conversation history

You can toggle this ON to hide your closed conversation history.

The Conversation history feature is available only on the self-service widget. This means that you can choose to hide the conversation history only in the self-service widget.