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The Answers module on bot builder enables you to set up direct answers to end-user queries using information from the knowledge base/FAQs. This makes the Answers module a very powerful feature where users can have conversational interaction with the bot and get solutions with ease. 

Since the performance of the Answers module depends entirely on how the questions and responses have been configured, it is very important to track performance to improve deflection rates. This is where the Answers performance analysis curated report will ensure that it’s easy to get insights and act upon them. To access this, go to> Chat reports > Bot analytics > Answers performance analysis.

With the Answers performance analysis report, agents can accomplish the following:

  • Understand the % of questions answered by the bot through “Answer rate” and improve the answer rate by digging into the unanswered queries
  • Improve Q&A level performance by getting insights on the effectiveness of each Q&A configured in the Answers module 
  • Improve the feedback rate and helpfulness of the article by ensuring it gets recommended on relevant user queries
  • Track trends on answers and Q&A response rates and easily identify the time periods when these KPIs fall to make improvements
  • Refer to the underlying data to get granular details on each question asked and the answer provided by the bot in each conversation

Answers performance analysis report

List of available attributes

Attribute nameAttribute typeDefinition
ConversationsMetricCount of  conversations where the “Answers” module was triggered
User QueriesMetricCount of questions asked by the users


MetricCount of user queries where the bot was able to provide an answer
RecommendationsMetricCount of user queries where the bot responded with a Q&A recommendation
Feedback providedMetricCount of feedback provided by the users when the bot responded with a Q&A recommendation
Positive feedbackMetricCount of positive feedback provided by the users when the bot responded with a Q&A recommendation
Negative feedbackMetricCount of negative feedback provided by the users when the bot responded with a Q&A recommendation
No feedbackMetricCount of Q&A recommendation where the users didn’t provide feedback
UnansweredMetricCount of user queries where the fallback action was triggered and the bot could not come up with a response
Natural LanguageMetricCount of all the responses provided by the bot
Utterance initiated atFilter, group by, underlying dataTimestamp at which the customer sent a message
QuestionFilter, group by, underlying dataTitle of the articles/Q&A configured on that bot
Question idFilter, group by, underlying dataUnique id corresponding to each Q&A on the bot
Response languageFilter, group by, underlying dataThe language in which the bot provided a response to the customer
User query idFilter, underlying dataUnique id associated with each user message
Conversation idFilter, group by, underlying dataUnique id for a bot conversation
User query textFilter, group by, underlying dataThe content of the message sent by the user
BotFilter, group by, underlying dataName of the bot on which conversations were initiated
Bot versionFilter, group by, underlying dataThe version of the bot on which the conversation were initiates
FeedbackFilter, group by, underlying dataFeedback provided by the user on a Q&A response
NLP module typeFilter, group by, underlying dataThe type of NLP feature being used - QA or Intents
Answer response typeFilter, group by, underlying dataThe type of response provided by the bot on a user message - Single recommendation, Multiple recommendations, Small talk or Unanswered
Unique response idUnderlying dataUnique id associated with every response provided by the bot

Note: Attribute type illustrates whether an attribute can be used in a report as a metric to be analyzed, as a filter, as a group by field, or as a column in the underlying data.

Widget definitions


Date range - Allows choosing the relevant date range for which data needs to be analyzed

Bot -  Filter that can be used to define a particular bot or a set of bots

Question - Filter data for a particular question or a set of questions to drill down into specific cases

Response language - Filter for a particular language to gauge performance at a language level


Answer overall performance: 

Provides an end to end view of answers module performance starting from the number of questions asked and ending on the instances where it was deemed helpful

  • User queries: Count of messages sent by users
  • Answered Queries: Count of responses provided by the bot from the "Answers" module.,  i.e Q&A and Small talk
  • Small talk response: Count of "Small talk" responses provided by the bot
  • Q&A responses: Utterances where a Q&A was recommended by the bot
  • Feedback provided: Count of feedback provided by users to Q&A responses
  • Helpful %: % positive feedback out of all feedback provided by users

Volume analysis trend: 

Provides a trend view of all the volume related metrics on the answers module 

  • User queries: Count of messages sent by users
  • Answered Queries: Count of responses provided from the "Answers" module.,  i.e Q&A and Small talk
  • Small talk response: Count of "Small talk" responses
  • Q&A responses: Utterances where a Q&A was recommended

Q&A performance analysis:

Provides a performance overview in terms of recommendation volume, feedbacks received and helpful% for each question configured in the Answers module or recommended as FAQs/Solution articles

  • Question: Title of the Q&A response configured on answers module or FAQs
  • Q&A responses: Utterances where a Q&A was recommended by the bot
  • Feedback provided: Count of feedback provided by users to Q&A responses
  • Helpful %: % positive feedback out of all feedback provided by users

Answer and Q&A response rate trends:

Provides a trend view of Answer rate and Q&A response rates on messages sent by users

  • Answer rate: % of user queries where the bot provided a Q&A or Small talk response
  • Q&A response rate: % of user queries where the bot provided a Q&A response

Q&A response performance trend:

Trend analysis of Q&A responses provided by the bot 

  • Q&A responses: Utterances where a Q&A was recommended by the bot
  • Feedback provided: Count of feedback provided by users to Q&A responses
  • Helpful: Count of positive feedback provided by users

Underlying data :

Provides a granular view of each question-response text on the Answers module

Note: Data on this module is present for conversations initiated from 23rd January 2023 onward