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Automated Reports

What is the Automated Reports app?

Automatically generate different reports in a ZIP format and send it at a set frequency, at the scheduled time to an email address of your choice.

You can see the frequency of each report, the next scheduled time and the status of the scheduler in the app's configuration.

Automated Reports is available as an app in the Freshchat Apps store (Marketplace). 

Types of reports that you can get with Automated Reports

  1. Interaction report: The complete raw report that lists the details of all conversations and metrics on how each interaction was handled. Includes first response time, response time, resolution time, groups/agents who handled the chats, CSAT, label, etc.
    As this is a huge report, this report has a fixed daily schedule.

  2. Agent performance report: This report tracks overall agent performance in terms of  availability, response times, chats handled, concurrency, etc.
    As this is a huge report, this report has a fixed daily schedule.

  3. First response time report: This raw report tracks the time agents and groups take to send the first response to a customer message. 

  4. Response time report: This raw report tracks the time agents and groups take to reply to a message in a conversation. 

  5. Message sent report: These raw reports list the details of all messages sent within a time frame. This helps track the volume of agent activity.

  6. Resolution time report: This raw report tracks the time agents and groups take to resolve a conversation assigned to the agent or group.

  7. Conversation-Created report: This raw report lists the details of all conversations created within a time frame. This helps track the volume of incoming conversations.

  8. Conversation resolved report: These raw reports list the details of all conversations resolved within a time frame. This helps track the volume of resolved conversations.

  9. Conversation Agent Assigned report: This report tracks the time taken to assign a conversation to an agent.

  10. Conversation Group Assigned report: This report tracks the time taken to assign a conversation to a group.

  11. Conversation Resolution Label report: This raw report lists the details of all resolution labels attached to a conversation when the conversation is resolved. This helps track the trend in conversation volumes by aggregating the percentage of conversations belonging to a specific category and sub-category of resolution.

  12. CSAT Score report: This raw report lists all customer satisfaction ratings received agent-wise, within a specific time frame. This helps monitor the customer satisfaction levels and also generate useful actionable metrics such as the number of unsatisfactory conversations.

  13. Agent activity report: This report tracks agent activity in the Freshchat dashboard.

  14. Agent IntelliAssign Activity Report: This report tracks agent activity when a conversation is auto-assigned through IntelliAssign.

  15. Chat Transcript: This raw report lists all chat transcripts (conversations and the corresponding messages) created within a time frame of 24 hours. For this report, the end value should not be more than 24 hours from the start value.

How to install Automated Reports:

To install go to Apps > Bots & Workflows > Automated Reports > Install.

Once Installed, go to Installed Apps, click on the gear icon in the right and select Settings.

Select the gear icon to complete the installation of the app.

Choose your timezone and pick the time of the day when this app should run.

Fill in the email address to which the reports are to be delivered and the domain of your Freshchat account.

Before you can start using Automated Reports, you need to add the API Token of your Freshchat account. 

How to get API Token

To get the API Token, go to Admin > API Tokens > Generate Token. Once the token is generated, click copy.

Then paste it to the App settings. Once you’ve added the API Token, click Save. 

You can now start configuring the schedule and frequency of reports..

How to schedule reports?

Click the tilde icon and click “Edit” along the report whose properties you want to change. 

You can switch the frequency of the report delivery between Daily, Weekly or Monthly by clicking the Frequency dropdown menu. 

If you choose Daily, you will have to set the time range for the report.

If you choose Weekly, you will have to pick the day of generation of the report.

If you choose Monthly, you will have to pick the date of generation of the report.

And then click on Finish to save the settings. 

Toggle the status button to switch the scheduler on/off. 

Repeat the same for the desired reports.

The report will be delivered to your designated email ID based on the scheduled time and the frequency set.



Note: Interaction and Agent Performance Reports have a fixed frequency that's set to Daily by default and cannot be changed owing to the large size of these reports.

You can also view logs for the usage of the app.

Go to Logs, select the option by choosing from the drop down menu.